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The Benefits of Daily Face Rolling

Let’s talk about the benefits of face rolling. 

There are so many gadgets available in the beauty market these days. While some are nothing but gimmicks, others can work wonders. Thanks to technology, science and research, we can maintain a youthful appearance as we age in a few simple, daily steps.

Half the challenge is figuring out what you need, specifically for your skin type, then staying consistent.

For me, the real game-changers have been using an SPF every single day, double cleansing at night, and learning how to incorporate different topical treatments like serums, Vitamin C, and retinol into my routines correctly.

Then there are the “extras.” Those little things you can do to kick everything up a notch. I use a dermaroller a few times a week and my face roller twice daily.

This all sounds like a lot, but, I promise, it’s not. The most significant time investment was researching the best practices, and I get to share what I learn with you here!

Today, we’re talking about the Benefits of Daily Face Rolling.

Face Rolling has been a beauty trend for several years. It started with Jade Rollers, little wands with a jade stone on either end designed to roll across your face. But after some reading, I learned that while jade is cooling to the skin, it’s also porous, so it traps bacteria.

The last thing you want to do is haphazardly roll bacteria up and down your face. So I swapped my jade roller out for this stainless steel version from Sacheu Beauty.

The stainless steel in nonporous, so it stay clean AND has a nice weight to it so you get good, even pressure. 

Benefits of Daily Face Rolling


Stainless Steel Face Roller, $35

Face rolling is a form of massage. By rolling your face for a minute or two a day (in an up and out motion), you promote circulation and lymphatic drainage.

What does that mean?

Increased circulation helps your skin look brighter and firmer. That’s why as we age, we start to lose that fresh faced “glow,” so we have to increase our circulation manually. Immediately after use, you’ll look rosier, but with long term use, you’ll also start to see a reduction in lines and wrinkles.

Then there is the benefit of promoting lymphatic drainage, which is just a fancy term for moving excess fluid off your face. So if you wake up puffy or have dark under-eye bags, this will help remove fluid from your face. This is what I find to be the most helpful.

Because you are moving the fluid off your face, you’ll start to bring back your jawline and cheekbones. 

Some research suggests that face rolling can also help with sinuses, but there is not enough to be definitive. I have terrible sinuses and can say that this makes my face feel better at a minimum.

You can also keep it in the fridge to get an extra cooling effect. However, I keep this in my freezer instead for mornings I need a little more help with the puffiness. 

Finally, beauty influencers will tell you that the roller helps distribute your products more evenly, but real beauty experts disagree, going so far as to saying that using rollers to apply skincare products actually pushes the product off your face.This makes sense since it’s important when you apply topical products to give them all to second or two to absorb into your skin.

Best Way to Use a Face Roller

Incorporating a face roller into your routine couldn’t be easier, but like everything in skincare, you have to use it the right way; otherwise, you’re wasting money and possibly doing more harm than good.

I roll my face in the morning and evening at the beginning of my routine.

You want to make sure that the roller as some “slip” to it, so it glides smoothly across your face. You can do it with some face oil; I simply use my oil cleanser.

* Start with the larger side of the roller and place it at the center of your jawline. Then quickly roll up and out toward your ear five times.
* Gradually move up your face, then switch sides.
* For your forehead, still with the larger side of the roller, move from your eyebrow line up toward your hairline.
* Take the small side and glide it under and over your eyes toward your ear.
* Finally, flip back to the large side, place it under your chin, and roll down your neck.

The motion is up and out; you don’t want to roll back on forth on your skin, and use gentle pressure. Everything we do manually to our skin should be as gentle as possible.

Because I use my cleanser, I wash my face and finish my routine. 

That’s it!

Not only does it feel great and give lasting results, but it’s two extra minutes to give back to yourself before you go on with your crazy day. 

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Wednesday 20th of January 2021

Love the tutorial!

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benefit of face roller